"It profits me but little that a vigilant authority always protects the tranquillity of my pleasures and constantly averts all dangers from my path, without my care or concern, if this same authority is the absolute master of my liberty and my life."

--Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Girl of the Day - Edie Falco

Not exactly a swimsuit model type, but the Regular Wife and I have been really enjoying finally getting around to watching The Sopranos.   Edie Falco plays Carmela Soprano, the wife of the mobster, and she's great.

By the way, a thought on home-building and TV-watching.   I just finished reading Alan Furst's newest novel, Mission to Paris (a great read, although not as good a novel as some of his earlier books... this one feels like he's in it for the money now, which is OK, but it's not the same as reading something that comes from some idiosyncratic place inside the writer).   I read it on the Kindle.   I have probably a cubic foot of Alan Furst novels downstairs, among the probably several hundred cubic feet of books in my library, but this one will only exist in the Internet cloud.   Meanwhile, we are watching The Sopranos streaming through Amazon, so we won't have to store those DVDs either.   Again, I probably have maybe ten cubic feet of my house devoted to storing DVDs, and another ten or so to storing CDs or old records (yes, we still have some!).  

Anyway, it occurred to me that the Internet is not just revolutionizing the way we read or view or listen to entertainment; it's likely to revolutionize the design of homes, since we will need much less space to store things that now can be stored as data on a smaller and smaller device.   Just a thought.

It's also mildly worrisome.   If everything is ultimately stored in a cloud, when the system crashes, will we be back to a new Dark Ages where we have to travel to the library at Alexandria (or wherever) to read ancient texts?   Maybe.   But then:  if the Internet and its attendant infrastructures crash, reading books will probably be the least of our worries.


P.S. Falco turns 49 today.   Younger than the Regular Guy!

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